National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto

February 22nd is National Human Trafficking Day.

NCJWC Toronto aims to work to increase awareness of Human Trafficking both locally & nationally, with the goal of preventing victimization.

We work with partners to create and facilitate conversations and helpful resources to arm parents, grandparents, educators and caregivers with information to have hard but important conversations within their families.

You can access the resources below and share them broadly. We are happy to speak with you or your group as well. Just fill out our Contact Us form.

Start building mutual trust with your child

Let’s face it, our children are online more than ever. As parents, grandparents, teachers and friends, we all want to keep them safe. But, we don’t always know how we can, what to say, to ask and what to look for.

It’s hard to know where to start.  

Start with sitting down and having a conversation – letting your child know that no matter what you will be there for them.

This allows the child to feel safe contacting the adult when he or she feels at risk.  And for the adult to assure the child that he or she will be there without judgement no matter what, where or when.  

By reading and signing this document together, it allows for open discussion and may establish a stronger sense of trust between the child and the adult. It may even avert possible victimization. 

You can start building mutual trust now. Download the document and take the pledge together.

Human Trafficking Presentation – Presented by Ena Cord & Eva Karpati

NCJWCToronto Presentation for the 2022 International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Virtual Conference (University of Toledo).

The presentation took place on September 22, 2022.

Raising Awareness: How to Talk to Children About Sex Trafficking

This video presentation took place on May 3, 2022.

open your eyes - Raising Awareness

Open Your Eyes – Raising Awareness

“How to talk to children about human sex trafficking”

Join us Tuesday, May 3rd at 7:30 pm on Zoom session where we’ll share important information for parents on how to speak to their children about the existence of human sex trafficking in our midst.

open your eyes ppt title

NCJWC Toronto has created a PowerPoint presentation entitled NOT IN MY FAMILY. It includes common myths and statistics, but most importantly it informs parents, grandparents and/or guardians on how to minimize the risks of their children becoming victims. It also offers guidance if a youth is suspected of being a victim.

For more information please call (416) 633-5100 or e-mail us at

Chair: Ena Cord

Ero Cord, Chair, on CBC News


“NCJWC Toronto aims to work to increase awareness of Human Trafficking both locally and nationally, with the goal of preventing victimization”.

Since 2013, Toronto Section has followed in the footsteps of NCJWC and ICJW our national and international organizations by joining in the fight against the atrocities of Human Trafficking.

 “Between 2009 and 2016, 865 victims of human trafficking became known to police, 95 per cent of them female and 72 per cent under the age of 25. Our current focus is on educating vulnerable youth about luring practices of the traffickers, and creating awareness of services in the community that are available to assist victims of human trafficking(

John Tory Proclamation


The City of Toronto proclaimed the first HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS DAY on May 10, 2017 in the name of NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN OF CANADA TORONTO.  We are committed to commemorating this day annually.


If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email and we'll get back to you shortly.


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